Call for Evidence response - Infrastructure for zero emission heavy goods vehicles and coaches: Our joint response with England's Economic Heartland and Transport for the South East to help inform the development of a government strategy for zero emission heavy goods vehicle (HGV) and coach infrastructure.

National Audit Office investigation into East West Rail: Our response to National Audit Office's report on the East West Rail project.

Rail Station ticket office closures: Our response to the consultation for closing ticket offices in rail stations.


TfL Ultra-Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) expansion consultation response: Our response to the ULEZ consultation 2022.


DfT Future of Transport: rural strategy Joint STB response: The submission for all seven English sub-national transport bodies on rural mobility.


DfT Future of Transport: rural strategy Transport East submission: Our regional submission on rural mobility.

DfT Union Connectivity review response: Our role in connections to Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

DfT Major Road Network response: Our response to the major road network consultation in 2018.