We seek to maximise the use of the existing network for both people and goods movement


State of Rail: Full Report: Analysis of the current strengths and weaknesses of the rail network across the East. First phase of our integrated rail plan.

State of Rail Report: Summary

Keeping Trade on Track: The Case for Ely Upgrade: A joint report with England's Economic Heartland on the benefits of improving rail capacity at Ely Junction.


External Resources

East West Rail

East West Main Line Partnership

Investment in rail is vital for decarbonisation and connecting our region

Rail travel has an important role in connecting our bigger communities and for longer-distance journeys. While there has been changes to the travel patterns of rail users following the COVID-19 pandemic, it remains an important mode for many journeys across the East.

Rail is also a much lower-carbon travel choice so helping more people and goods travel by train will reduce carbon emissions and congestion, helping the region grow sustainably.

Frequency of passenger services and the movement of freight is affected by constrained capacity on our rail lines across the region and at pinch-points close to our boundaries. This is made worse by a significant number of level crossings and a need to expand digital signalling.

Investment to maintain and improve the rail is important to keep journeys reliable and attractive.

By its nature, rail is a regional transport issue. We will be undertaking further work, with government and the industry, to determine the short, medium and long-term investment needed to create a rail network fit for the future of the region.

State of Rail Report

In 2023, Transport East presented a full review of the rail network in the region with our ‘State of Rail’ report. This forms the first phase in developing a comprehensive plan to transform the region’s rail network for both people and goods.

The report sets out the key challenges for the East’s rail network, namely;

  • Poor connections East - West particularly between Norwich/Ipswich and Cambridge/Peterborough
  • Slow journey times, particularly in comparison to other national main lines
  • Poor frequencies, especially on branch lines serving smaller communities and to Stansted
  • Restricted capacity for freight trains – increasing the numbers of HGVs on the region’s roads
  • Lack of connections between major towns and cities with some growing places not served at all

The report is available here.

The Case for Ely

Transport East and England’s Economic Heartland have produced a report outlining eight major benefits of improving rail capacity around Ely Junction.

It demonstrates the huge regional and national economic benefits of the project. Removing constraints around Ely means removing barriers to Britain’s trade with the rest of the world and would allow better connections for freight between the East’s ports and the rest of the UK.  

The project has a high business case, as it would unlock economic opportunities for communities across the East and level up regions across the Midlands and the North. 

The report is available here.

East West Rail

East West Rail is a nationally significant railway project which aims to deliver much-needed transport connections for communities between Oxford and Cambridge. It is important for the Transport East area because Cambridge is an important economic hub for many in our region, and improved onward rail connections will make it easier to reach the rest of the UK.

Construction has started on the section between Oxford and Milton Keynes. The project is being managed by the East West Rail Company.

Our region has ambitions to extend the current East West Rail project to the East coast and Stansted. This vision has been championed by the East West Main Line Partnership; a local authority partnership that has campaigned since the 1990s for improved east-west rail connections.

Transport East provides the secretariat for the East West Main Line Eastern Section Board, a group of local authorities advocating for improved rail connections east of Cambridge in the short, medium and long term.

Find out more about East West Rail here.

Find out more about the East West Main Line Partnership here.


State of Rail: Full Report: Analysis of the current strengths and weaknesses of the rail network across the East. First phase of our integrated rail plan.

State of Rail Report: Summary: Analysis of the current strengths and weaknesses of the rail network across the East

Keeping Trade on Track: The Case for Ely Upgrade: A joint report with England's Economic Heartland on the benefits of improving rail capacity at Ely Junction.


External Resources

East West Rail

East West Main Line Partnership