Two people riding bikes in a rural setting
Two people riding bikes in a rural setting
Two people riding bikes in a rural setting
Two people riding bikes in a rural setting
Photo of Burnham Market, Norfolk
Will Quince new Chair
Will Quince has been appointed as the new Chair of Transport East
Active Travel Progress
New Report Shows Progress in East's Active Travel plans
Rural Connections
Rural Connections: Transport challenges and opportunities for communities in the East

We've shared the results from our Call for Evidence into rural mobility, as part of our Regional Strategy Hub

Transport Related Social Exclusion
Transport Related Social Exclusion

Transport related social exclusion (TRSE) is the term used to describe transport issues which have a fundamental impact on everyday life and limit the ability to fulfil everyday needs.

Rural Mobility Centre of Excellence
Rural Mobility Centre of Excellence
We are a Rural Mobility Centre of Excellence

We're working with partners and stakeholders to identify practical ways of achieving better rural transport across the region.
Click here to find out more.

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Where connections are made

Transport East is the Sub-national Transport Body for Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock. The partnership provides a single voice for our councils, business leaders and partners on our region’s transport strategy and strategic transport investment priorities, working in close collaboration with the government and the rest of the UK.

Priorities for Transport East

Priorities for Transport East

Cleaner, greener, healthier transport options to reduce the emissions that contribute to climate change and poor air quality.

Enhanced links between our fast growing places and business clusters; enabling the area to function as a coherent economy, improving productivity and prosperity.

Better connected ports and airports to help UK businesses thrive and boost the nation’s economy through greater access to international markets and foreign direct investment.

A reinvented, sustainable coast for the 21st century which powers the UK through energy generation. Supporting our productive rural communities and attracting visitors all year round.

Latest News

Latest News

Defra Minister Daniel Zeichner MP opens East of England’s third Net Zero and Climate Resilience Summit

19 July 2024

Over 250 people attended the summit at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge where speakers and workshops focused on the actions needed to achieve net zero and climate resilience for the East of England.   The Summit was opened by Daniel Zeichner MP, Defra Minister of State for the Environment.    Mr Zeichner, in his opening address, set…

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Wider South East Freight Forum discusses decarbonisation

17 July 2024

The latest face-to-face meeting of the Wider South East Freight Forum has taken place where attendees discussed and debated decarbonisation in the freight and logistics sectors. Transport for the South East, England’s Economic Heartland and Transport East jointly organise the forum which is designed to bring together freight and logistics operators and representative organisations, business…

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Will Quince welcomes the new ministerial team at the Department for Transport

11 July 2024

He said: “On behalf of Transport East, I would like to congratulate the new Secretary of State for Transport and her ministerial team on their appointments. The East has a vital role to support the nation’s growth and prosperity. With our thriving and growing energy sector, our international gateways, and one of the nation’s fastest…

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