Understanding rural mobility is vital to support people, businesses and visitors in the East 

Around a third of people in the East live in rural areas. These communities grow our food, provide education and training services, care for our natural assets, manufacture and transport goods and share their areas with visitors from the UK and beyond.

But, transport in rural areas has historically been overlooked in policy development and investment.

Within our Transport Strategy, a core priority is 'Energising rural and coastal communities'. We are taking the lead to improve rural connections in the East and sharing our insight with England’s six other sub-national transport bodies and key stakeholders across the UK.

How are we making a difference?

Centre of Excellence for Rural Mobility

We will work to understand the challenges and opportunities for improving transport in rural areas.

This includes the work with out regional strategy hub.

The rural networking partnership has been established to continue and develop the contacts and networking from the roundtables.

It brings together those working on transport outside cities, and seek to spread information about relevant initiatives and studies. 

Rural Networking Partnership

The rural networking partnership has been established to continue and develop the contacts and networking from the roundtables. It brings together those working on transport outside cities, and seek to spread information about relevant initiatives and studies. 

Regional Strategy Hub

To tackle the most difficult challenges facing transport today, we engage with experts in rural mobility to give insight which supports innovative ideas to improve rural mobility.

Lead Sub-national Transport Body (STB) for rural mobility 

We bring together the seven STBs to share knowledge, evidence and best practice for the benefit of rural communities across England.